Friday, October 5, 2007

Is it Colic or Acid Reflux?

Recently Amy Bertrand of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch published a review of of the book "Colic Solved" by Bryan Vartabedian.

In her summary of the book, Amy outlines how the author is of the opinion that doctors that colic is not a condition at all but rather
"a five-letter defense mechanism of doctors who are either outdated, outwitted or just plain out of ideas".
(To read the full article about Mr. Vartabedian's outline of colic in newborns click here)

Now doctors can say what doctors want to say, but when you are sitting up night and day, crying with you baby, devoid of sleep, friendship, and family support...a doctors so-called words of support somehow fail to help.

Baby colic is a real condition and afflicts one out of five of the children born into our world. Lifestyle changes, as well as utilizing over-the-counter remedies for colic are just the start to ending infant colic.

Colic is NOT the same thing as Reflux, nor is the same thing as GERD. To say that Colic is nothing more than Reflux not properly diagnosed flies in the face of many studies as well as practical "in the trenches" experiences of many of the fellow moms who have suffered though the tough months right after birth.

I think that it is more than coincidence that Bryan Vartabedian is a pediatric gastroenterologist. He is probably great at what he does, but just because you see 100 kids a week with Acid Reflux or GERD does not mean that all cases of Colic fall under those categories.


SPWS said...

It is good to know the difference between colic and acid reflux. Now I know what to do when it happens to my baby.

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